Last updated 06 February 2023

Current Edmonton, AB time is MST

Boise Spud Run 2022 EdMet Chapter members
Wayne (Sgt at Arms), Mark, OJ (EdMet Sec/Treas/QM), Dennis, Noel, Kevin, Flemming, Garry, Bruce

Blue Knights ® Edmonton Metro Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club

A "legally incorporated society" under the...
Societies Act and Regulations, Government of the Province of Alberta...
Registered with Canada Revenue Agency, Government of Canada...

Chartered on 24 September 1998 by...

Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. ®

The membership of the Blue Knights ® Edmonton Metro LEMC consists EXCLUSIVELY of current and retired Edmonton Police Service, Calgary Police Service, RCMP and Canadian Forces Military Police members. Although based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the Chapter includes members from other locations within Canada.

Qualified interested parties may email their inquiries to the Chapter Executive.

A member chapter of the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. ®

Click on this WCC button

The 2023 Edmonton Motorcycle Ride for Dad ® will be occurring on Saturday, June 10. Visit the Edmonton Motorcycle Ride for Dad ® website for up to date information and prior events being held.

In Memory Of
The Fallen 4 RCMP Officers
ambushed and killed on March 03, 2005

Click "HERE" to read the story.

The Fallen Four Memorial Park was opened 04 July 2008 in Mayerthorpe, AB
Members of chapter AB VII and Edmonton Metro visited the memorial on 11 May 2019

Click "HERE" to view the photos.

An Edmonton Global Television video of the dedication ceremony is viewable "HERE".

Visit our QM Stores page to see what's available.

© Copyright 2023 by Blue Knights ® Edmonton Metro LEMC